Arty Peppimenarti

A creative crew from Red Dust ventured out to the beautiful community of Peppimenarti.

Students from Peppimenarti School and program artist, Tim Rossiter and local artist, Nancy Lemon, worked together to create a stunning mural for the community, immersing young community members in the rich cultural iconography of Peppimenarti and its surroundings.

Igniting creativity and self-expression

Throughout the week, there was a strong emphasis on encouraging creativity and self-expression among the participating individuals. A series of art workshops were developed to encourage participants to develop their own unique designs, which were then incorporated into individual sections of the mesmerising serpent mural. As a result, many of the students can proudly call a specific piece of the mural their very own.

From start to finish, it was evident that the students were fully engaged and eager to contribute to every aspect of the project. They enthusiastically took part in the entire mural making process such as preparing the area, cutting and sanding the boards, and painting them, as well as assembling the mural pieces to create the final masterpiece. This level of involvement not only showcased their dedication but also instilled a sense of pride in their contribution to the artwork.

Traveling to Merrepen

In addition to our work in Peppimenarti, the team travelled the 30-minutejourney to the remote community of Merrepen. Here, the children in thecommunity got involved in creating their own artworks, using their artistictalents to express themselves and their community, creating their own Merrapen community mural.


As one of the program participants expressed, “I liked to do the painting and colouring the snake. The snake is going to be on that wall always now”. The mural not only captures the beauty of Peppimenarti but also serves as a symbol of unity and appreciation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.

Sports and Teamwork

Alongside artistic activities, basketball and footy games in the afternoons were an often occurrence. This not only provided an opportunity for friendly competition but also served as valuable practice for our Red Dust team in their upcoming Peppimenarti sports-focused program.

“Great to see the impact of consistent relationship building from RD, kids singing their own song from last year”

- program participant

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Thank you to the following supporter of this project:

·      Agnico Eagle